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nanoSAFE Digital Conference


As a response to the spread of Covid-19 the nanoSAFE community will be meeting virtually. For the first time ever, the “nanoSAFE Digital Conference” will be held from 16th to 20th November 2020 on a virtual platform. The event is intended to enable all participants of the international conference to share the latest R&D results […]

European Researchers‘ Night


As part of the European Researchers’ Night 2020, the European Commission will fund 51 projects in 30 European countries – including countries associated to the Horizon 2020 Programme. The European Researchers' Night, funded under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie actions, is a Europe-wide public event that brings researchers closer to the general public. The Night showcases the […]

SABYDOMA`s 1st legal workshop on Safe-by-Design

The SABYDOMA project, funded by the EU H2020 programme, is delighted to invite you to its 1st legal workshop on the Safe-by-Design approach, taking place virtually on 28th  January 2021 from 13:00h until 19:00h CET. With expert lawyers and scientists from different regions of the world among the confirmed speakers, the workshop will cover the legal aspects of the Safe-by-Design approach […]

1st Stakeholders workshop on Safe and Sustainable-by-Design criteria for chemicals, materials and products

RTD Sustainable-by-Design Team is pleased to invite you to the 1st Stakeholders workshop on Safe and Sustainable-by-Design criteria for chemicals, materials and products scheduled on 19/03 from 09:30 to 13:00 on Zoom or Teams. The European Green Deal defines a clear vision and objectives to put European economy and society on a sustainable pathway, in […]



The 2021 Virtual Conference is jointly organised by three leading EU Horizon 2020 Projects, BIORIMA, PATROLS and GRACIOUS, focusing on development of novel tools for evaluating human and environmental hazard, and strategies for nonmaterial characterisation, classification, grouping and read-across for risk analysis.

EuroNanoForum 2021


The EuroNanoForum 2021 conference will address the role of nano-enabled technologies and industries in the transformation towards EU prosperity. The event will bring forward the role of R&I, as well as the opportunities offered by EU’s next Framework Programme; Horizon Europe. Link to EuroNanoForum 2021

NanoSafety Training School: From Basic Science to Risk Governance

Check out the latest news about the NanoSafety Training School: From Basic Science to Risk Governance The 10th edition of the Venice NanoSafety Training School will be held on a virtual platform! Due to the current COVID pandemic and the restrictions imposed by the Italian Government on face-to-face events, the Organising Committee has taken the […]

GRACIOUS approach to Quality Assessment of Nanosafety Data Workshop

Assessing Quality and Completeness of Nanosafety Data for Risk Assessment Purposes Workshop Using high quality data is essential for performing robust risk assessment of chemical substances, including engineered nanomaterials (NMs). It is important for risk assessors to be aware of the quality of the datasets that they use, but such information is currently not available […]

NANO KOREA 2021 – 19th International Nanotech Symposium & Exhibition

Kintex, Korea , Korea, Democratic People's Republic of

Gov4Nano coordinator Monique Groenewold from the National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM) is an invited speaker in the ‘Nano-EHS and Standardization of NT’ session. She will give a talk about "Effective Risk Governance of nanomaterials" on 8th July from 6:30 - 7:00 CEST. See programme and visit for more details!

Safe by Design of nanomaterials in industrial production processes

The symposia will highlight practical approaches for risk prevention and safety management in laboratories and production sites using nanomaterials, on the basis of a Safe by Design (SbD) approach, integrating safety since the early stages of product and process development. SbD is a cornerstone of current and future R&I policies in Europe for the development, production […]

Defining Safe and Sustainable by Design: Insights from H2020 SUNSHINE Project

On behalf of the H2020 GRACIOUS Project, we would like to invite you to join our upcoming webinar focused on Defining Safe and Sustainable by Design. Background Recent European Union initiatives such as the Green Deal and its actions related to the Circular Economy, the new Industrial Strategy and the Chemicals Strategy for Sustainability propose […]

DANS Data Trail workshop ‘FAIR data assessment tools: an evaluation

In close collaboration with the National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM), Ammar Ammar (Maastricht University) conducted a study in which several FAIR assessment tools are evaluated based on criteria specifically designed for this study. During this Data Trail workshop, we will discuss his upcoming paper on this topic and apply the same […]

NanoHarmony Workshop


The NanoHarmony project is holding its 2nd Project Workshop on 25 November as online event. You are invited to attend the workshop, where there will be an update provided on the work that is being undertaken within WP2 of Gov4Nano on the OECD test guidelines. Registration is available at for the main open day […]

SweNanoSafe workshop – Safe and Sustainable by Design: a prerequisite for achieving a circular economy

Date: November 29th, 2021 Location: Online (A detailed program will be published in late October) Register now! Confirmed speakers: Dr. Andrea Haase, Head of the Unit Fibre and Nanotoxicology, Department of Chemical and Product Safety, German Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (BfR) Dr. Lya Hernandez-Soeteman, Senior risk assessor, Dutch National Institute for Public Health and […]

Webinar: Avoiding errors in declaring personnel costs in Horizon 2020 grants


This webinar is designed for grant coordinators, project participants and other stakeholders. Download documents: Agenda Presentation: "H2020 personnel costs in a nutshell" (David MEJUTO GAYOSO) Presentation: "Avoiding errors in declaring personnel costs in H2020 grants" (Sorin SERBAN) Annotated Model Grant Agreement H2020 Programme User's Guide for the Personnel Costs Wizard Specific FAQs about the COVID-19 […]

The NanoCommons Knowledge Base: how to find all data for one nanomaterial across multiple data sources


On Thursday 2nd December 2021, the NanoCommon team, in a joint initiative with the EU NanoSafety Cluster, will offer an online workshop/hackathon on their Knowledge Base (NC KB), termed “The NanoCommons Knowledge Base: how to find all data for one nanomaterial across multiple data sources”. Data retrievals & uploads will be showcased using the features […]